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 Business processes  

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Process identification

Identifying the flow of key objectives and activities for all processes: commercial, marketing, supply chain, finance.

Designing "As Is" Decision Making Processes

RAPID decision-making matrix: Roles within the decision-making structure / Calendar of decision points / Decision-making style / Attendance at meetings

The design of execution processes in "As Is" business

Execution Process Mapping and Swim Lane Charting (RACI)
Detailing process steps, procedures and systems

Structured analysis of business processes

Identifying areas for improvement
Identifying bottlenecks and causes of deficiencies
Root cause analysis

Design Thinking for decision-making processes and execution in business

User and consumer centric perspectives / Creative ideation / Agile iteration
Risk and impact analysis

Definition and implementation of process parameters

Process Parameters – Strategic Dashboards, KBIs, Critical Success Factors,
Process Implementation Change Management – Handover Support

Continuous improvement of processes

Tracking matrix for continuous process improvement
Development and implementation of procedures